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What Is the Downside of a Living Trust in Nevada?

Posted on July 10, 2024 in estate planning,trust

If you are looking to make an estate plan that you feel respects your goals and wishes, you may have wondered, “What is the downside of a living trust in Nevada?”. Answering that question begins with understanding living trusts and applying that knowledge to your situation. An experienced living trust attorney can help you explore more, but any action that guides your approach to your financial planning for the future is a valuable endeavor.

Henderson estate planning lawyer

Cons of a Living Trust in Nevada

While living trusts offer numerous benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider and examine as you make a decision to pursue this option for estate planning. Determining which estate planning options are most favorable for you is highly personal to each individual and their goals, but there are some generalities when considering the potential cons of creating a living trust in Nevada:

  • Initial Costs: Setting up a living trust often requires more initial costs than other options, such as drafting a will. A Las Vegas living trust attorney’s fees for creating and funding the costs, along with additional documents like pour-over wills, can also add up financially.
  • Complexity: Managing a living trust requires ongoing attention to ensure that all assets are properly transferred into the trust. The administrative burden can be more complex than managing assets through a will.
  • No Immediate Tax Benefits: In the case of a revocable living trust, there are no immediate tax benefits during the trustee’s lifetime. Income generated by trust assets is typically taxed at the trustee’s individual tax rate.
  • Upkeep and Amendments: Additional legal fees and administrative work may be required when a trustee experiences changes in life circumstances or assets that require updating.
  • No Court Oversight: While not having court oversight may seem initially like a pro, it can create a risk that a trustee could mismanage trust assets. This means that it is essential to choose a trustworthy and capable successor trustee who is committed to fulfilling the trust prerogatives.
  • Limited Control After Death: Once the trustee passes away, the terms of a revocable living trust become irrevocable. This means that changes to the trust after the trustee’s death are typically not possible, even if circumstances have changed.

Pros of a Living Trust in Nevada

Despite the potential downsides, many individuals find that the benefits of a living trust do, in fact, outweigh the negatives. Commonly cited benefits of establishing a living trust include:

  • Probate Avoidance: One of the primary benefits is that a trustee’s assets kept in a living trust bypass the probate process, allowing for faster and more private distribution to the beneficiaries.
  • Privacy: Unlike a will, which is viewable in the public record, a living trust remains private, keeping the details of your estate and the distribution of assets confidential.
  • Incapacity Planning: A living trust includes provisions for managing assets if a trustee becomes incapacitated, allowing a chosen successor trustee to step in without the need for court-appointed guardianship or conservatorship.
  • Flexibility: A revocable living trust can be amended or revoked at any time during the trustee’s lifetime. This offers flexibility to adjust to changes in the trustees’ circumstances or wishes.
  • Flexibility in Asset Distribution: A living trust allows a trustee to control the timing and manner of distributions to their beneficiaries. This can help to protect assets from creditors, divorce, or poor financial management by the beneficiaries.

Ultimately, a living trust can provide a flexible estate planning solution that meets specific goals and needs. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney in Nevada can help determine if a living trust is the right choice for your situation.


Q: What Are the Types of Living Trusts in Nevada?

A: The types of living trusts in Nevada include revocable and irrevocable living trusts. Choosing between these two types of living trusts comes down to the specific factors of your estate planning goals, asset protection needs, and tax considerations. The main difference is that a revocable living trust can be amended, modified, or revoked entirely by the grantor, and an irrevocable living trust generally cannot be adjusted or revoked as it is a permanent arrangement.

Q: How Does a Living Trust Work in Nevada?

A: A living trust works in Nevada by allowing you to transfer ownership of your assets into a trust during your lifetime. As the person acquiring the trust, you will typically serve as the trustee, maintaining control over your assets and managing them as you normally would. You name beneficiaries who will receive these assets after you pass away. This trust can be amended or revoked as long as you’re mentally competent.

Q: What Is the Negative Side of a Living Trust?

A: The negative side of a living trust depends on your unique circumstances. One possibility is the associated costs, as it typically is more expensive than drafting a simple will. There are also added complexities to managing a living trust, and there is no court oversight, which may be a con in certain circumstances. Despite the potential downsides, many individuals find that the benefits of a living trust, like avoiding probate, added privacy, and more, outweigh these issues.

Q: Is a Will or a Living Trust Better in Nevada?

A: Whether a will or a living trust is better for you in Nevada depends on your individual circumstances and estate planning goals. A will may be a good option if you are concerned about any additional expenses and are looking for a simple and straightforward process. A living trust may be right for you if you have a complex estate or wish to avoid probate and desire flexibility to make changes to your financial plan.

Speak With a Local Nevada Living Trust Lawyer

Enlisting the guidance of a skilled living trust lawyer can make a significant difference in your estate planning journey. Beyond just drafting legal documents, lawyers offer invaluable insight into navigating Nevada’s intricate trust laws, ensuring your wishes are accurately reflected in the trust and that it is legally sound. Contact the law firm of Ken R. Ashworth & Associates to set up an initial consultation and learn how we can help you secure a financial future with which you are aligned.