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Our Blog

So you were named the successor trustee of a trust . . . now what?

Posted in Firm News on August 11, 2021

So your friend or relative named you as a successor trustee of his or her trust, or you were named as the successor trustee of your parent’s trust and they have now both passed away.  What do you need to do?    If the existing certificate of trust (sometimes called an affidavit of trust) that… (Keep reading)

Why is the auto industry low on cars?

Posted in Firm News on August 4, 2021

The world today has so many unknown variables. The virus has changed the world that we use to know. Items in stores were easily found unless there was a weather emergency. Due to the virus items big or small can be hard to find. One industry that has been affected is the car dealerships. Individuals… (Keep reading)

Thinking about Medicare what you need to know

Posted in Firm News on July 21, 2021

What do you need to know about Medicare before you turn 65?  Are you 64 – because if the answer is yes, then you need to be ready to sign up for Medicare.  You are eligible to sign up in the three months before your 65th birthday.  Medicare part A is for hospitalization, and it… (Keep reading)

What happens when grantors fail to transfer title to property to their trust?

Posted in estate planning on July 14, 2021

Most estate plans will include a pour-over will in which assets not titled in the name of the trust will be bequeathed to the trustee of the trust and then distributed in accordance with the terms of the trust.  However, that requires the expensive and time consuming process of opening a probate case, which is… (Keep reading)

Child Tax Credit 2021

Posted in Firm News on July 1, 2021

Ken R. Ashworth

Posted in Firm News on June 14, 2021

Friday Fun Facts!

Posted in Firm News on June 11, 2021


Posted in Firm News on June 8, 2021

In our age of opinions, we believe that we can say or write anything we want.  For instance, after having settled a lawsuit, you decide to write about the lawsuit on an open forum like Yelp.  You state something along the lines of “This tattoo shop gave me a scar and I won the lawsuit”. … (Keep reading)