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Author: AshworthlawAdmin

Remembering October 1st Vegas Strong

Posted in Firm News on October 1, 2020

Signing Contracts

Posted in Firm News on September 28, 2020

Always be aware when you sign a contract that you are going to be legally bound to that agreement. Contracts cannot be easily broken. It is important that you read everything including the fine print. Contracts are usually binding agreements between two or more parties. It is important to realize when signing a contract you… (Keep reading)

First Day of Fall

Posted in Firm News on September 22, 2020

Unclaimed Property

Posted in Firm News on August 26, 2020

Do you know that you might have unclaimed property? Unclaimed property is any financial asset that has been abandoned or unclaimed by the rightful owner for a specific period of time. Examples can include: • Bank accounts and safe deposit boxes • Stocks, bonds, mutual fund accounts • Dividends, payroll and cashier’s checks • Mineral… (Keep reading)

Deadlock Provisions in Limited Liability Company Operating Agreements

Posted in Firm News on August 17, 2020

If there is more than one member in a limited liability company, there is a potential for the members to reach a deadlock on deciding whether or not to take certain actions on behalf of the company. The dispute may lead to loss of time and productivity, expensive arbitration or litigation, and even result in… (Keep reading)

The Life of a Simple Living Trust

Posted in Firm News on August 10, 2020

Creation: A living trust is created when, generally, one person signs a written trust document and titles at least one asset in the name of the trust. Existence: In order for a living trust to exist, it must have assets titled in its name. A trust will die without assets. Living Trust: The term “living… (Keep reading)

Importance of a Trust

Posted in Firm News on July 10, 2020

People generally do not realize how important it is to have a trust. If someone passes away without a trust the assets will generally be probated.  Probate is a court proceeding where assets are distributed. Wills are probated. The probate process can take 6 months or more to complete. Having a trust in place avoids… (Keep reading)

Ken Ashworth on the difference between Wills and Trusts

Posted in Firm News on June 25, 2020