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What Are the Disadvantages of a Trust?
Posted in asset protection,trust on December 22, 2022
Estate planning can be a complicated process. A trust can be a way to have your wishes carried out in a structured way, and beneficiaries can begin receiving the benefits of the trust while you are still alive. Trusts, which are frequently used by those with substantial assets, can help families with difficult dynamics avoid… (Keep reading)
Who Needs a Trust Instead of a Will?
Posted in asset protection,probate,trust on December 14, 2022
Estate planning can be a difficult and complicated process. As you plan for the assets you have and what your wishes are, you want to make the best decisions to ensure that those wishes are carried out. You may also want to take steps to make the process easier for those who have been entrusted… (Keep reading)
Posted in tax planning,taxes on December 5, 2022
Tax Planning is very complex if you forego tax planning you may be paying more to the IRS than you think, if you keep track of all your expenses and deduct the ones you are allowed, you will pay less income tax than you ever imagined. What can be deducted? Is of the utmost importance… (Keep reading)
Posted in asset protection,estate planning on November 15, 2022
Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) Chapter 115 is the law that establishes the right to homestead your primary residence. At present, a homeowner can protect up to $605,000 in equity, which the statute defines as the amount that is determined by subtracting from the fair market value of the property the value of any liens excepted… (Keep reading)
What Assets Are Not Considered Part of an Estate?
Posted in asset protection,estate planning on November 14, 2022
Estate planning is a very important process for almost everyone. Although it may be difficult to consider what will happen to your family after you pass, by creating an estate plan, you can protect your assets and your loved ones long after you are gone. Although the process is important, estate planning is a complicated… (Keep reading)
What Are the Components of an Estate?
Posted in asset protection,estate planning on November 10, 2022
Estate planning can be intimidating. Many people do not know where to begin, and others do not want to think about what will happen to their possessions, investments, and family members after they pass away. Although thinking about your own mortality can be an uncomfortable thought, it is extremely important that you take the proper… (Keep reading)
What Are the Inheritance Laws in Nevada?
Posted in asset protection,estate planning,probate on October 16, 2022
For most people, family is a priority. Caring for your loved ones can mean keeping yourself healthy, spending quality time together, and helping in times of need. Most people do not think about their own mortality when they consider caring for their family. However, one of the best things you can do for your family… (Keep reading)
What Makes a Will Legal in Nevada?
Posted in asset protection,estate planning,probate on October 15, 2022
No matter what stage of life you are currently in, it is important to have a reliable will for your assets. Although it may seem unnecessary if you are young and in good health, the reality is that it is never too early to begin the estate planning process. At the very least, you should… (Keep reading)